COMPLIANCE - The High "C" Example


Overview Charles has an interest in structure and organization. He likes to be certain of his position, and will tend to research a situation thoroughly before coming to a conclusion. Charles thinks in terms of facts and rationality, and rarely concerns himself with the more personal side of problems. If placed under pressure by others, he will prefer to use logical argument or appeal to the facts, rather than become involved in a conflict situation. Because of his interest in fact and detail, and the somewhat reserved, undemonstrative element of his approach, Charles tends to have wide knowledge on a variety of subjects, and can represent a valuable resource. Hewill rarely volunteer information, however, and requires support and encouragement from others if he is to overcome his naturally aloof nature.

Charles is a High "C"


Charles has an interest in structure and organization. He likes to be certain of his position, and will tend to research a situation thoroughly before coming to a conclusion. Charles thinks in terms of facts and rationality, and rarely concerns himself with the more personal side of problems. If placed under pressure by others, he will prefer to use logical argument or appeal to the facts, rather than become involved in a conflict situation. Because of his interest in fact and detail, and the somewhat reserved, undemonstrative element of his approach, Charles tends to have wide knowledge on a variety of subjects, and can represent a valuable resource. He will rarely volunteer information, however, and requires support and encouragement from others if he is to overcome his naturally aloof nature.



Charles works particularly productively with other people. He performs well in teams or groups, having a natural ability to co-operate effectively with others on a practical level, and is satisfied to see himself simply as part of a group rather than seeking to further his own personal ends. A strong sense of structure and rule-orientation pervades his style. He can be relied on to follow instructions and procedures to the letter at almost all times.



Dependence on others is perhaps the most distinct weakness of Charles approach. He has little confidence in his own abilities, except within a particular area of expertise, and is heavily reliant on others to help him complete tasks. His reluctance to act without being certain of the outcome means that he will normally refer decisions of all kinds to work colleagues or management, whether or not this is actually necessary.


Communication Style

Communication to people of Charles kind is, at least in a work context, purely a practical matter. He responds to requests for information or action, but rarely makes comments himself unless drawn to do so by more assertive individuals. Despite this reserved element, however, he does work well in groups, taking advantage of the practical support that such an environment can offer. Because of his practical turn of mind, Charles will tend to approach relationships in a somewhat pragmatic manner. His conversation rarely ventures into the realms of personal or emotional matters, and he prefers to remain on a less open level, unless the relationship in question is very close indeed.


Decision Making

In coming to a conclusion, Charles will prefer to discuss it with his work colleagues and management, where appropriate, and to take time to examine all of the practicalities of his position. He tends to think in terms of systems, and so his criteria for judging a situation include ease of implementation in conjunction with possible outcomes of a course of action.


Organization and Planning

While he possesses relatively strong organizational skills, Charles will prefer to use these as part of a group, rather than build plans on his own. This is a safety strategy, designed to ensure that he does not overlook any relevant factors in making his plans. He is naturally organism and structured in his approach.



People like Charles, who value certainty and precision, often find it very difficult to work independently. This is because he needs the support of colleagues to confirm or discuss his plans and ideas before he puts them into practice. Consequently, he will feel discouraged and even pressurized if he does not have this support available. He is best suited to work in a close team or group, where he can make his contributions in a receptive atmosphere, and leave responsibility for their implementation to others more prepared to take direct unsupported action.


Managing style

Charles will tend to adopt a democratic style of management, and is more than willing to delegate responsibility to others, especially in areas where he feels that he lacks essential knowledge or skills. He dislikes confrontation with others, and hence tends to try and avoid possible conflicts.

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