Jennifer is a High "D"

The High "D" Example



A strong sense of her personal goals is one of Jennifer's particular advantages, allowing her to be motivated by her own sense of achievement, and needing little direct help in this area from management. Partly because of this, she possesses reserves of energy beyond those of most profiles, and will put great effort into achieving results in a realistic time-scale.


The lack of patience in Jennifer's dominant and assertive character, coupled with her extremely demanding style, makes her difficult, on occasion, for others to deal with. She instinctively adopts a commanding stance, and tends to issue orders rather than ask for co-operation, an approach that inevitably causes resentment in less direct styles.


Communication Style

Jennifer's impatient style means that she has little time for social niceties such as small-talk, and she tends not to employ tact or diplomacy unless she can see a distinct advantage in doing so. Her normal use of communication is as a medium for achieving her ends, and because of this she will be direct in approach, stating her requirements or issuing instructions. She focuses on relationships out of which she can gain some kind of advantage, and the most successful of these will normally be built on a mutual aim or goal. Jennifer's naturally demanding style means that others often find her intimidating, a factor that frequently acts as a limit to her effectiveness in building effective relationships.


Decision Making

Because of her interest in developing personal responsibility, Jennifer takes decision-making very seriously. She sees the opportunity not only to exercise control over her environment, but also to advance her own position within an organization. Her decisions will tend to be based more on questions of efficiency and results than on the consequences for any people involved. These comments should be considered in relation to the fact that Jennifer is making a change to her natural style. She is emphasizing the thoughtful, considerate aspect of her attitude to decision making in a way that may not be rooted in her more usual approach. It should be noted that Jennifer's present caution when faced with decisions is largely due to her behavioural adaptation. Her working conditions demand a level of accuracy from her, and so she is adapting her style to display it. Where she does not feel this compunction towards care in decision making, her style is likely to be somewhat more instinctively based.


Organization and Planning

Jennifer understands and values efficiency and consistent results, and therefore is also aware of the need that sometimes arises for careful planning to achieve these. She is not naturally disposed, however, to exercise the patience and deliberate thought required for these activities, and will more normally delegate them to less impatient and driving individuals. Jennifer's adaptation of her behaviour is particularly important to the topic of organization and planning, because part of the change she is making is an attempt to project a working style that is better suited to strategic thinking. It is important to understand that such abilities are not necessarily part of her underlying approach.



Jennifer can be characterize as driving, assertive and openly communicative. Her sense of motivation comes primarily from the opportunity to exercise these elements of her style. She will want to feel that she is able to act independently, according to her own view of a situation, without being bound by what she sees as unnecessary constraints. One of the Jennifer's strengths is her ability to motivate herself and those around her. For this reason, she is often at her best in a position of leadership, or at least in a role where she can directly influence events. While retaining a strong social sense, Jennifer's style is currently shifting away from an outgoing, expressive mode into a more receptive and amiable style. Because her basic motivations come from her natural style, however, the freedom to communicate with others on a more assertive level remains an important element of her motivation. If Jennifer's present style suggests that she will find guidance and certainty motivating (which is likely to be the case), then it should be noted that these needs are not necessarily native to her underlying style. In fact, she is capable of a surprising amount of self-confidence, and this suggests that social, rather than factual, factors are more important in terms of motivation.


Managing style

The focus of Jennifer's management style is the achievement of results as quickly as possible. She is not a natural communicator, and tends to issue instructions directly, rather than trying to foster a sense of team-spirit. She values personal responsibility, and hence tends to adopt a commanding style that reinforces her authority over her subordinates. Jennifer's current behavioural adaptation results in her taking a longer-term, more thoughtful view of her management role. It should be noted, however, that her underlying style prefers a more rapid, responsive approach, and her current steady, calm approach is a response to prevailing conditions. Especially under conditions of pressure, her more extrovert and proactive nature may be expected to assert itself. The shifts in Jennifer's behaviour suggest that, while she is adopting a relatively formal, structured approach to management, her actual preference would be to manage in a more open way, forming social connections with her staff. Such a modification of management style can normally be attributed to the needs of the organization as a whole and the effects of these needs on her individual working style.


Style of Management

A challenging candidate from a manager's perspective, Jennifer has a competitive and driving attitude that will need to be carefully handled. In particular, she will find it difficult to work for a manager whose abilities she does not respect, and so it is important for a manager to earn this respect if they are to receive the benefits of Jennifer's assertiveness. She also has a rather competitive nature, and will wish to feel that she is earning appropriate rewards for her work. Jennifer's profile shows that she is presently quite a loyal and somewhat tractable person to manage. This is a temporary adaptation to current conditions, and her manager should not assume that it will persist in the long term. This is not to say that she will become disloyal and unreasonable, of course, but her underlying style shows her to be more oriented towards her own needs than may be apparent. It is likely that Jennifer appears somewhat reserved and self-controlled at present, but this is unlikely to remain the case in the long term. In fact, a more open and receptive attitude from management will help to enhance her performance and bring her natural communication skills


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